2021………….. A year of transition for the hotel industry amid the pandemic?


Ever since the pandemic crashed the whole world in 2020, it’s been noted that the entire landscape of the hotel industry has been drastically impacted. Lockdowns, Social distancing and civil anxiety enclosing the virus signify that hotel organizations do not offer the same browsing experience as we would usually expect.

However, as the saying goes ‘Tourism always bounce back’. The Hotel and Tourism Industry is as delicate as a baby, just as the latter is handled with care and love, so the industry is handled with dedication and optimism. The hotel industry indeed contributes a major part in the economy of a country while the world keeps evolving around by commuters and travelers.

2021 can finally hint a small relief of recovery in some parts of the world. Despite the assumption by industry leaders of not having a complete recovery until 2023, new business trends have been the most highlighted transition for the industry. First and foremost, social distance is the leading policy, but somehow hotels and resorts have been able to meet the challenges by adhering to the safe and hygiene practices.

In Mauritius, online booking hubs for Hotel and leisure activities has enabled a large proportion of Mauritians to access with hotels stay at an affordable price. This indicates that the hotels have reflected on the potential recovery and allied on the importance of enhancing services, while also it is utmost for them to adapt to the constantly changing landscape of the industry assuring the standard of service as expected by customers.

In Dubai, as published on LinkedIn, New openings by cluster groups of hotels are encouraging career scope in the industry. Where the industry was thought to be completely ceased at the moment, some companies have condemned this assumption by promoting job creations in the industry, alerting a sense of recovery and relief for graduates, experienced and skilled people.

Above all, the leading trend that has been poised until now is namely the work from home. This flexibility has enabled the operations of hotel management level to boost performance and maintain the tenacity of employees. It has been proved to be more productive and staff can be trained as from home itself.

2021 has been considered as a year of promise, however, we ought to realize the fact that we are in a global event that has changed the industry. As more and more people are getting used to this flexibility, it has been recognized for its productivity from wherever you are. As such, there are new ways of working, with employees extending holidays and work from their vacation locations or they can log in to zoom videos at any point of business hours while being at home. This therefore creates new opportunities for the industry to recover. Also, training and LQA standards has to be revised and aligned according to the changing situation in relation with the consumer behavior.

Recovery won’t happen without your optimism, build those all around you and we shall come out of this stronger than ever.


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